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Kharkiv st. Sumskaya 82

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[Links] Download iOS 17.6.1 official firmware for iPhone, iPad

Apple released another update iOS 17.6.1, which should fix those bugs that appeared after the release of iOS 17.6. You can also install the firmware via a software update on the device itself, or using the Finder on OS X, or iTunes for Windows

Download the official iOS 17.6.1 and iPadOS 17.6.1 firmware

iOS 17.6.1:

  1. iPhone 15 Pro MaxiPhone 15 Pro
  2. iPhone 15 PlusiPhone 15
  3. iPhone 14 Pro MaxiPhone 14 Pro
  4. iPhone 14iPhone 14 Plus
  5. iPhone 13 Pro MaxiPhone 13 Pro
  6. iPhone 13 miniiPhone 13
  7. iPhone 12iPhone 12 Pro
  8. iPhone 12 miniiPhone 12 Pro Max
  9. iPhone 11 Pro MaxiPhone 11 ProiPhone XS MaxiPhone XS
  10. iPhone 11iPhone XR
  11. iPhone SE (2nd Generation), (3rd Generation)

iPadOS 17.6.1:

  1. 12.9-in. iPad Pro (5th generation)
  2. 12.9-in. iPad Pro (4th generation)
  3. 11-in. iPad Pro (3rd generation)
  4. 11-in. iPad Pro (2nd generation)
  5. 11-in. iPad Pro (4th generation)12.9-in. iPad Pro (6th generation)
  6. 11-in. iPad Pro (5th generation)13-in. iPad Pro (7th generation)
  7. 11-in. iPad Pro (1st generation)12.9-in. iPad Pro (3rd generation)
  8. 10.5-in. iPad Pro (1st generation)12.9-in. iPad Pro (2nd generation)
  9. 11-in iPad Air (6th Generation)13-in iPad Air (6th Generation)
  10. iPad (6th generation)
  11. iPad mini (6th generation)iPad mini (5th generation)iPad Air (3rd generation),
  12. iPad Air (4th generation)
  13. iPad Air (5th Generation)
  14. 10.2-in. iPad (7th generation and 8th generation), 10.2-in. iPad (9th generation | 10th generation)

Apple Service iXpert

Kharkov, st. Sumskaya 82
(093) 01-000-86
(096) 01-000-86

Mon – Sat 10:00 – 19:00
Sunday:      closed